Israel and Hezbollah: Golan Heights rocket attack devastates Druze community | BBC News

Israel and Hezbollah: Golan Heights rocket attack devastates Druze community | BBC News

A deadly rocket attack that killed 12 children and teenagers has heightened fears of open war between Israel and the Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah.

The attack – on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday evening – has devastated the Druze community. They are part of an Arabic-speaking ethnic and religious group based in Lebanon, Syria, the Golan Heights and northern Israel.

Hezbollah has denied responsibility for the strike. Western governments are urging Israel to show restraint in its response.

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16 thoughts on “Israel and Hezbollah: Golan Heights rocket attack devastates Druze community | BBC News

  1. No. The 'West Bank' known as Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem
    to its Indigenous peoples belongs to Israel. Judea and Samaria is occupied by terrorists

  2. BBC gets horny from terrorists like this guy who lies and supports the largest terror army in the world.

  3. Golan height is a Syrian territories occupied by Israel…12 children killed were Syrian Arab kids…Israel refuse independent international investigation to avoid…?? Everyone understand

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