CNN’s Harry Enten looks at the latest poll numbers for Vice President Kamala Harris and how they compare to former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden. #CNN #News
‘It is a trend’: Harry Enten explains why some Democrats are worried

The Harris campaign is struggling……the new CNN mantra……over and over until it could maybe seem plausible. Pump it, work it, try to force it to seem a reality. Who's your daddy?
Trump Vance 2024
CNN ISfailing. Cant make up enough lies to make the fake blk woman look good. Shes losing. MAGA RULES
CNN is bias media,,, CNN is really media for demicrat
Fake news
Chump is going to win and it’s 100% the Dems fault for prioritizing illegal immigrants and the mentally ill woke weirdos over normal people.
American needs Kamala harris
Though polling is generally unrealiable, it's worrying harris isnot doing better so close to election date
This country is so stupid. Makes me ashamed to be a part of it. This shouldn't even be close. Trump is a flat-out idiot con man. Never should have been able to step foot in the white house to begin with. People are just stupid and easily coned it seems
During the grave early period of pandemic, Trump send COVID machines to Putin. Imagine the racists rights' reaction if it was done by a black president. It doesn't surprise me though. Republicans are okay with Trump cheating on his pregnant wife with a porn star, they are okay with him talking about assaulting women and getting away with it, they are okay with him mismanaging the covid that killed hundreds of thousands of vulnerable fellow Americans, they are okay with his cruel policy of separating children from their mothers, they are okay with him trying to destroy the Obamacare, they are okay with his racist attacks on immigrants. They know he lost the 2020 election, yet when he lies about it, they believe him. Trump told them to only believe him, and they obeyed. Republican party's truth comes from Trump and Trump only. That is why it is so hard for them to comprehend the gravity of a sitting US president helping a leader of communist enemy state during time of crisis.
Clearly some in the world want the Border Czar in office. Those people are not friends. They want her in because she will do as she is told.
Amainstream media is full of craps. Trump exposed their lies and corruption that nobody believes whatever they say
Obama has me voting TRUMP 2024. PEACE AND THANKS OBAMA!
Kamala Harris' support among black voters is LESS than the support Biden was getting before he was "mugged" by Harris and the corrupt Democrat Party bosses.
Why are people supporting a felon, who instigated an Insurrection who has no solutions for America. And has a vendetta to eliminate liberties for Americans and whose soul purpose to only spread hatred and racism.
Border patrol endorsed Trump at his rally Sunday, proving Kamala a liar.
Not true
Reality check for Dems: Panic time. You're slipping fast. What's you back up plan now? Obama had Russia Gate, Biden had Covid-19, Harris has …
Trump wins all the battle ground's period
Democrats bed wetting sounds about right. So long as they don’t cheat again.
Being a independent voter I've done my research. The world leaders won't respect her. She done a shit job as vp i don't trust her are any democrat in this election cycle Trump 2024
Democrat voting for Trump. She is no good. ❤❤❤❤❤red wave lol
It’s becoming increasingly popular among young people to act contrarian, even when it makes no sense.
These same people will be the first to complain when the problem republicans turn this country into an authoritarian nation.
Ds are worried because all they got are air-heads !
I don't trust CNN reporting anymore. The new CEO is a Republican, isn't he – I can tell. CNN is becoming the replacement for FOX.
The fate of the USA and the world should never be left to an election. Donald Trump should have been arrested and jailed back in 2021 after the failed insurrection and illegal election interference. I hope behind the scenes Biden is ensuring criminals can not blatantly take over the USA government.
Yep! Democrats are worried: Trump is winning, Kamaleon is losing.
Let me get this straight…. Black men should stop voting based on legitimate reasons and vote like some girl who doesn’t care about policy failures except you have some black in you somewhere somehow. And voting based on legitimate concerns is unacceptable ????? BS slopaganda
MAGA ❤❤❤
I guess Comrade Kamala's joy campaign didn't work.
If KAMALA WINS, SHE WILL DESTROY OUR NATION & her voters will quickly regret their vote.
Personally I can't wait to see how quickly Democrats throw Kamalla under the bus. Her career is over.
Trump older and sugar high how need president like this
is for They/Them. President Trump is for you!
Bed wetting? The casual insult… Just…. Wow
Democrats lost me for a long long time, you can’t do things the cheap and fake way. Hopefully they can get my vote again one day when they realize American, regardless of party can see through the lies.
CNN why haven’t you reported that the dems have a pedophile running as Vice President? This is a huge story and yet you fail to report on that. I’d love to know what kind of hold the democrats have on your so called news program?
If Donald Trump speaks about oil and water only for 3 weeks he will win. Trump 2024
Who in their right mind is voting for harris
When Trump wins, Kamala will be forced to certify the electoral college votes in the Senate or expose herself and the Democrat party as the hypocrites they truly are.
This is getting old. The media must make so much money off the constant poll nonsense. Um people are already voting. The only people bed wetting are the media pundits.
Fake Corrupt Media this is
This townhall of Latino voters, a good amount of them were already decided or they were flown in from other states. She’s so manufactured, there’s nothing real with her.
I Donald love you just now people, but after election my memory will be cleared, also dementia and sclerosis will take over me.Sexual abuse , what is it…
Look how many people who used to watch cnn for real news still check to fact check yall. You cant win in a comment section of your own network. look at fox's and its no support for harris
She makes me sick
Nobody beleives you clowns at CNN. They have her +1 like their tied. She should have a minus 17
Trump Trump Trump
Its weird to watch from Norway, that so many support the mad psyko and old criminal dictator. How can any normal person vote for Trump? How can a woman vote for a rapist? How can a person of color vote for a racist?, how can a christian vote for the biggest liar? how can a nice person vote for a bully?, how can a patriot vote for a traitor? Vote BLUE , you dont need to be a democrat to vote for Harris , you are a patriot! Just listen to Trump…. is this a person you whant, realy?? He is the last person of all Americans, check the fact this man care just about one thing, to stay out of jail and pardon himself for his many crimes. Check the facts, facts dont lie, FOX do tell Trumps lies, so check facts and wake up!
Fuck CNN
The media is responsible for propping this idiot up. He wouldn't last 5 minutes at your job and you know it. But he somehow is in the position to be president?
Are you kidding? SOME? EVERY democrat is crapping their britches. It's even a meme: Do the Biden.
How can a normal person voting for Trump? Only ignorant poorly educated are for Trump
Very wrong all of us republicans are very scared khamala can’t speak unless she’s reading off teleprompter she’s been in charge of border for four years that’s the only job she was assigned with as VP and she failed
If she can’t even take care of the border how will she take care of our country
BREAKING NEWS>> Tren De Aragua formally endorsed Kamala Harris !!!!!
Harry has 'a narrative' so when you see worry then you should worry – time to worry Left
She is a really nice lady, I would love to have a drink with her. But I don't see her negotiating with Putin or Bibi.
Well maybe "Worried" as their Candidate is a major doer of "Cacklings" and ""Word Salad Talking". Look up "Word Salad" in a Search Engine, often said to maybe be a sign of Mental Health Problems (not always)! Then she Laughs at some of the USA Major Problems! Then on her "WATCH as Vice President, the USA was totally Flooded with Millions and Millions (about 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 PER YEAR, not a "One time thing) of "illegal aliens", Criminals, Venezuela Motor Scooter Drive-By Robberies Gangs, MS-13, Venezuela Murderers said to have Allegedly killed Laken Riley of Georgia and a 12 yesr old Girl in Houston, Under Vetted and Un-Vetted People, and others and brings them deeper into the USA, where Cities snd Towns sre spending so very much money on them, thst there is little Money left over for providing for USA's very own Citizens "Homeless" Population, many that are Veterans. Now even Questions are arising, "Will there be enough Money with FEMA to help out Recent Hurricane's Victims?
ok "she's a human"
No way
Because Obama is lecturing black men, these crazy bad policies.
The Latino vote has zero value to the DNC
Love the comments, Trump 2024
I think people are figuring out she is a empty [pant]suit.
Wisconsin for Trump 2024!!! And my son is a first time voter theres 2 votes and my wife theres 3 votes … my parents 2 more my nieces 2 more nephews 2 more ….. yea buddy TRUMP 2024!!!!!
Cnn lies
Cheating is the only way Harris will win.
Why doesn’t she do everything she says now, she is the vice president. I am not a voter but she seems to be playing people. People are not dumb, they can see through her.
Trump wins
I am a Democrat but I don't trust Kamala I better vote for Trump ❤