Science rejuvenates woman’s skin cells to 30 years younger – BBC News

Science rejuvenates woman’s skin cells to 30 years younger – BBC News

Researchers have rejuvenated a 53-year-old woman’s skin cells so they are the equivalent of a 23-year-old’s.

Scientists in Cambridge believe that they can do the same thing with other tissues in the body which could lead to treatments for age-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and neurological disorders.

The technology is built on the techniques used to create Dolly the cloned sheep more than 25 years ago.

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16 thoughts on “Science rejuvenates woman’s skin cells to 30 years younger – BBC News

  1. And that’s all good and wonderful but how do we get this so we can look 25 again? And how much will it cost or will it be only available to the clicky bunch of power hungry government buddies?

  2. And then the side affects… The time wasted on this nonsense. They call themselves doctors, i am rolling on the floor laughing. A doctor cures people not make them worst.. this thing in this video increases the chances of cancer. Wake Up NEO

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