Elon Musk Meets with Donald Trump in Florida

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, met with former President Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida, along with wealthy Republican donors. The meeting comes as Trump prepares for a potential general election campaign against President Joe Biden. Trump is seeking support from donors as he prepares for a general election campaign against President Joe Biden.

It is not known at this time whether Musk will support Trump financially or endorse his 2024 campaign. Musk and a representative for Trump’s campaign have not yet commented on the meeting. The private jets of Trump and Musk were seen landing at a Palm Beach airport on March 2. Musk previously visited the White House to discuss artificial intelligence technology with then-President Trump in September 2023.

Despite owning X, running SpaceX, and leading Tesla, Musk did not endorse Trump in his 2016 or 2020 campaigns. The two have had disagreements in the past, including Musk leaving advisory councils of then-President Trump in 2017 and Trump calling Musk a “bull—- artist” in 2022. Musk has publicly expressed criticisms of both Trump and Biden.

He has also become more vocal about his political views since acquiring Twitter and rebranding it as X. In 2022, Musk accused the Biden administration of sidelining Tesla and has shown support for Republican candidates. Last year, Musk said he was leaning towards voting for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, but DeSantis has since endorsed Trump. Musk has also criticized the Biden administration’s handling of immigration.

Meeting Details

According to the New York Times, Musk and Trump convened in Palm Beach, Florida, on March 2. The purpose of the meeting and Musk’s potential support for Trump’s 2024 campaign remain unclear. Neither Musk nor a representative for Trump’s campaign has provided comments on the meeting.

Previous Interactions and Clashes

Although Musk visited the White House in 2023 to discuss artificial intelligence technology, he did not meet with President Biden at that time. Musk did not endorse Trump in the 2016 or 2020 campaigns. The relationship between Musk and Trump has been marked by disagreements, including Musk’s withdrawal from advisory councils in 2017 over Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accords.

Musk’s Political Stance

Musk has publicly criticized both Trump and Biden, calling for Trump to “hang up his hat” in a tweet and accusing the Biden administration of sidelining Tesla despite its dominance in the electric vehicle industry. Musk has become more vocal about his political ideology since acquiring Twitter and has made appearances alongside right-wing political leaders globally.

Recent Statements and Actions

In November 2022, after acquiring Twitter, Musk was questioned about his potential threat to national security by President Biden. Musk has also expressed support for Republican candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and criticized Biden’s handling of immigration. However, Musk has not explicitly stated his support for Trump or any other specific candidate.


Elon Musk’s meeting with Donald Trump in Florida has sparked speculation about his potential involvement in Trump’s 2024 campaign and his evolving political stance. As Musk continues to express his views on social media and engage with political figures, his role in future political developments remains a subject of interest and scrutiny.

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